I'm new!

Visiting a new church can be scary.  (We get it!)  Let us tell you a little about our church, our community, our worship services, and what to expect when you walk in the doors. 

in-person and livestreaming

Join us in-person on Sunday mornings at 10:00am.

Can't join us in-person?  Worship with us online!

volunteer to serve

If you would like to volunteer down at Saint Trinity by yourself or with a group from your home church, let's chat! We love service teams and host out-of-town mission teams throughout the summer months.


Power. Passion. Prayer

Join us for  an ongoing study of the Psalms and other poetic writings of the Old Testament.  Each week one Psalm will be studied in depth.

our city needs jesus

help us be a missionary to st. louis

Reaching out and connecting people to Jesus is one of the important things that will make St. Louis even better.

learn more


We would love to have you join us in person for worship on Sunday, but we know that isn't always possible.  Our services are streamed live, and if you miss a service, you can watch them anytime.

Watch online


caring for neighbors one can at a time

We all need help sometimes.   Saint Trinity's food pantry is here to make sure no one in our community goes to bed hungry. 


Saint Trinity lutheran

live streaming